“My name is Lee Ochola Charles. I am 28 years old. I attended Rabondo Primary School, St. Timon’s Rabondo Secondary School, and graduated from the University of Nairobi with a Bachelor in Commerce degree in 2018. I am currently working for West Kenya Sugar Company as an Internal Auditor.
I am grateful to Rabondo Community Project USA (RCPUSA) for supporting me in my education through educational scholarships. The financial support I received enabled me to finish my studies and secure employment. I am now able to support myself, my wife, and daughter. Without the help, I would not have managed. I would not have been able to finish school. RCPUSA gave me hope and the tools that I need to be a productive citizen.
Support from RCPUSA made it possible for me to get everything that I needed in order to be in school: school uniforms, books, food – everything that was needed for me to stay in school. I stayed at the Guest and all my basic needs – food, clothing and medical expenses and transport to and back from school were provided.
I can say that I would not be where I am now if it were not for RCPUSA. During most of my schooling period, I lived in the Guest house with other children being sponsored by RCPUSA. One thing that the late Timon Bondo taught us was the value of service to others and giving back to the community. In that spirit, I am currently sponsoring a girl in college. If the opportunity that I now have had not been given to me by RCPUSA, I would not be in a position to give it to others.
Thank you to RCPUSA for changing my life. To the donors of RCPUSA, I want to say that your support is making a difference and transforming the lives of young people in the Rabondo community and beyond.”